
As you read about me in this section, I invite you to a discovery of yourself and your own possibilities.  First and foremost, I perceive myself as a regular human being – as someone who leads a regular life with typical circumstances. Like you, perhaps. Yet, the “regular” me has been remarkably blessed – a unique divine touch has been added to it, a blend of special gifts has been thrown into its makeup, and a personal depth and expansiveness has been put into its mix over the years.

I present myself to you as a humble and powerful expresser of Life’s bigger truths, a translator of the Soul’s core wisdom, a transforming voice of our innate power, and a loving and fun-filled presence. Most of all, I am a model of what we can all become.  My invitation and wish to you is that you become the fullness of your own wisdom-filled potential.

More about Bill

Bill Bauman is a unique and inspiring human presence. He has had a life of uncommon experiences, is a selfless and humble being, and possesses a compelling giftedness that deeply touches the lives of many people. Purposefully, Bill is here on earth with a mission to help humanity as a whole and individual persons in particular find their soul, connect to their inner truth, discover their unique nature and purpose, and lead their lives in ways that express their fullest destiny. He accomplishes this mission by sharing his personal gifts of knowing, vision, empowerment and transformation with groups and individuals. Above all, Bill’s ultimate destiny and legacy is to present to humanity a new, spirit-based vision of life—-its real nature, its fullest meanings, and its dynamic possibilities. Educationally, Bill holds degrees in Classical Languages (A.A.), Philosophy (B.A.), Theology (B.A. and M.A.), Counseling (M.A.), and Psychology (Ph.D.).

Religiously, he spent four years studying Theology at the University of Louvain in Belgium, then served as a Catholic priest in Florida in the 1960’s. In the early 1980’s, he served as a licensed minister of the Church of Religious Science in Utah. In addition, he has studied, practiced and taught many of the other major world religions, Eastern and native as well as Western.

Psychologically, Bill received his doctorate in Counseling Psychology at Arizona State University, worked as a psychologist and taught at a University Counseling Center in Minnesota, and then served as director of a community mental health center in Michigan. He later spent fifteen years as a private practitioner and psychological consultant, first in Texas and then in Utah. He has been licensed as a psychologist in four states and honored as a diplomate in professional psychotherapy.

Entrepreneurially, he founded and directed three private businesses: a management consulting service, a treatment center for learning disabilities, and a holistic health center. He also developed and maintained a nationally-oriented personal empowerment seminar program for several years, in addition to maintaining his private practice as a psychologist.

Spiritually, Bill has been graced with a state of both Christ-consciousness and Buddha-consciousness. In addition, he has received the unique gifts of healing, knowing, vision and empowerment. He spent many years as a spiritual healer, visionary teacher, and transformational leader, using his spiritual gifts to help individuals and groups move from personal limitation to full human potential. He wrote a booklet on healing, wrote a book of meditations, and published a book and videotape on Oneness. He has also taught many styles of meditative practice.

Philosophically, he has explored the main myths (beliefs, assumptions, themes) that influence human consciousness and behavior. Bill founded and for nine years directed Washington, DC’s World Peace Institute, applying the philosophy of oneness to attaining personal and global peace. He especially served as a consultant to leaders and mission-oriented persons, helping them to apply the power of oneness to their mission in life.

Humanly, Bill has been privileged to be married to an exceptional woman, Donna, for 35 years, has been an active and involved parent to a remarkable and now adult son, and has been a loving, caring friend to many, many people. He has felt called to perfect within himself every aspect of the human experience and to achieve the ultimate of what is humanly possible.

Personally, Bill has passed through all these human systems – religion, psychology, business, spirituality, philosophy and humanness – by first learning and perfecting that system within himself, then by becoming a dynamic leader within that system, and finally by moving on to life’s next invitation. Now, he has completed all of life’s important lessons and mastered all of its central approaches to fulfillment. In short, he has graduated from the human path and has now taken a permanent place as a mystic – living “above the forest” of life, and sharing his vision and gifts with those individuals who are led to him and with the human family to which he is devoted.

What Bill Does

People who don’t know me sometimes ask, “What do you do?” This has always been a challenging question simply because most of what “I do” happens because the Divine Hand works so magically and strongly through me. Its flows from the Infinite Inspiration and Divine Grace of each moment. So, I’m now putting into words “what I do.” What I offer to our world – and perhaps to you – is a blend of four special ingredients:

A Message:

  • We are all created with a beautiful divine nature and a unique purpose.
  • We have access to this divine plan and purpose by connecting with our soul.
  • We have within ourselves every resource we need for personal fulfillment.
  • We will become as empowered, loving and masterful as we choose.

A Vision:

As a present-day mystic, I see the essential truth of our human state:

  • I see the exquisite nature and beauty of every living person and life form.
  • I know how powerful – and how connected to the power of God – each of us is.
  • I see in all of us a soulful invitation to become all that we can possibly be.
  • I know the power for personal and human mastery that lives within all of us.


God allows many blessings to flow through me. This allows:

  • Healing of our pain, our limitations, and our symptoms.
  • Transformation, remarkable breakthroughs and dramatic shifts within us.
  • Inspiration, allowing us a clear vision, awareness and openness.
  • Intervention, as the Divine brings unexpected miracles into our lives.


We all can live life masterfully. It’s just that we’ve forgotten how. So, “what I do” is support people in:

  • Finding their personal power – it’s often locked up or hiding internally.
  • Connecting to that inner power, so that it’s always available
  • Using that power in ways that are linked to their loving and visionary nature.
  • Becoming masters of empowered living.

So, what do I do? I simply allow whatever specific gift and blessing God wants to shower upon someone to happen. I contribute my presence, my consciousness, my oneness with the Divine, and my total commitment to being the masterful vehicle of divine intervention. Whatever it is that happens from this unique combination, people are touched by the strong wand of God’s loving embrace, and are changed for the better.